The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
poor giggy wilby. how is he going to survive on such paultry meals?
That Mistress better start providing for Wilbys needs!
We missed you GK!! Hope everything is OK.
came across this blog while paging thru kitty sites. Wow, your kitty looks almost exactly like my cat Yoda! Except that Yoda has more gray on him. Shades of the Twilight Zone LOL. Your Gigolo Kitty looks real cute dressed up in the clothes. If you want to see a pic of Yoda, he's on my blog at
GK!!! You're back!!! :)
Eh... going off again???...
(See how excited we are over here... We can't stop at ONE punctuation mark!!!!!)
Must be incredibly busy. Look forward very much to the next post.
CatDonna & Cats
Hey now, glad to see GK back in the latest installment.
Very nice, very nice, lol...
The cap is too Chi Chi! Love it!
It's the Sexy Mother Hubbard Night Cap -- the "must have" for this year's Christmas stockings. Glad to have you back Gigolokitty! And can't wait for the next installment --
Your meals are better than mine!
*applauds wildly*
Time off has not dimished the GK's flare for drama, I'm pleased to see.
hey, I heard that GK is back again! welcome GK. And hey guys,just see this funny video uploaded by me christmas pet game!
Have a furry Merry Christmas GK, and your Unfortunate Mistress and Evil Troll too!
Meowy Cat-mas!
GK, where are you?? Did Blogger mess you over? Hope this finds you...
Merry Christmas from me and all the Good Cats...
Happy holidays, Giggy, er...Wilby!! Hope you get lots of expensive presents, and a feast fit for the splendid piggy that you are! Wish the Unfortunate!Mistress and Evil!Troll from me.
A furry Merry Christmas to you...from Missy Blue Eyes, KC (that's me) and little Bear.
To the best dressed cat,
We are back to blogging and just wanted to wish you and your humans a merry catmas! Hope santa paws came for a visit.
Opus and ros
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Giggy! Did Santa bring you good things or did the troll blow it for you? Seasons greetings to your Unfortunate Mistress as well!
We wish you a furry happy, healthy, safe, snuggly, flea-free, Temptations-filled New Year!
Happy New Year, Giggy, Mistress and Evil Troll.
Have a healthy, wealthy, and wise New Year.
Happy New Year GK!
I miss your stories, too. I wish that I had a 'puter upstairs in Cat Couch's bedroom.
Hey Giggy! How is yoo doin? We misses you! We's sendin purrs hoping efurryfing is ok wif you and your Unfortunate!Mistress n efurrybuddy.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
oh, wherefore art thou Giggy??
This is hysterical. good job. I hope you post further adventures -- kitty's got to get plumptious, right??
GK, we miss you too and we hope efurrything is ok wif you and yore beans.
Finny & Buddy (if you don't come back soon, Buddy mite start dressing up like you agane and nocat wants to see that!)
Please tell Giggy that the Divine Miss Marilyn is beside herself because she's feeling abandoned by her favorite swain. Is he ever coming back?
Please tell Giggy that the Divine Miss Marilyn is beside herself because she's feeling abandoned by her favorite swain. Is he ever coming back?
GIGGY!!! we missded you!!!
Ohh!! Nothing new yet? This is so cute and clever. I hope we see you soon.
Don't make us wait much longer! We miss you!
Opus and Roscoe
Hope you are OK GK. It seems like a long time since we heard from you.
Dude - where is you?
Dear Gigolo Kitty,
I hope you are ok.
Skittles, The Cat
Oh, GK, where cood yoo be. We hopes yoo iz o.k. it's been a long time and we'z gettin worried.
Oh Gigolokitty, aren't you ever coming back??
We miss you GK!!
GK, are you all right? I miss you very much.
Oh, GK, Chatham was hoping to find that you had come back. We all miss you!
~ Cat Couch
I love Charlotte Web!!
( `·.¸♥
`·.¸ )
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«´¨·.¸¸.♥ Lunita =^.^= ♥.¸¸.·´¨`»
(¸.·`´(¸.·`´ ``·.¸)``·.¸)
Giggy, where is you??? is you ok?
GK, where are yoo? are yoo okay? I hope yoo are! Please let us know...
Alas poor Giggy, we hardly knew ye....
A moment of respect to a dead blog.
Oh no! My mom has some rice pudding. You can have some, but I'll need a catnip mouse in exchange. Or maybe some fish. Wanna barter?
Gigolokitty, oh Gigolokitty where have yoo gone...
have missed you, dude....
I hope you is OK
GK? are yoo okay? Please say yoo are...
Thinking of you today...
Where have you been, dood?!?
Happy Fourth of July to you and your fambly!
*sigh* 7 months and not a word...this is horrible. We miss our Gigolokitty and are heartbroken to think that something may have happened to him. *sob* we go on with heavy hearts...
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