The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
Yikes GK, me and Pawmie and Meowmie are TRYING to read these hahahahahahas...but they keep clicking back to TINY print and these oldsters can't read it.
we do appreciate your special attire though, great as usual and befitting the fab. Gigolo!!!
The Mitz and parents.....
{grin} This is gonna be good....
oh, this is gonna be a good story. we can't wait to find out who the spider will be!
I can hardly wait for the rest!
Lovely writing, as always - and a lovely fall outfit as well!
* November 7 is "Dona Nobis Pacem" Day - spread the word.
Well, this mistress sounds like she might appreciate the fuzzy piggy...but time will tell. Can't wait for chapter 2.
Hee hee...
we don't know if the author of Charlotte's Web is dead, but if she is, we think we just heard a grating noise like someone spinning furry fast in their grave...
You look dashing in daisy's and nothing ike a piglet.
"Potbellied pervert."
Aw jeez, now I have to clean the spit-take off the computer screen.
E.B. White might not have meant it to be rewritten this way, but what do we care?
Write on....
Happy Thanksgiving GK, any special outfits in the works????
Dear Gigolo Kitty,
I have a very important question to ask the GigoloKitty. How do I submit my question?????
Skittles, The Cat
Hey, nice pic!! You too can check out this post on crazy tom . I hope u'll like it..
take care
Heehee! Very funny stuff, as usual...
~ tammara
Giggy, oh Giggy...where for art thou fair Giggy?
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