The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
Giggy sings and dances too? wow, you are soooo talented!
Ohhhhh, we can't wate!! I love to sing and danse too. I sing to mom efurry nite wen she won't let me go owwwwwoooooooooooooooo owwwwwwwt!!!
Oh I can't wait! Do we need to buy tickets in advance or at the door?
We want tickets for opening night and backstage passes for the gala afterwards.
Oh, no... Giggy, did you see what sumone did to yur billboard? It's giraffitied! Yep. A mean giraffe added a * an mean werds.
Zeus has a point. How do we gets tickets?
Omygod... *gasps* The sheer genius of it all.
ooooh, don't make us wait TOO long!!
I bet it is CATS! Wow, I can't even wait! Momma, you better plug in your speakers.
Patches Lady
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