The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
The Intimate Thoughts of the Most Beauteous Kitty ..........with Commentary by his Unfortunate Mistress and her Evil!Troll Roommate.
Arrgh! Evil Troll framed him! She should be the one who gets hauled away! She wrote the script, after all. My poor handsome GK is innocent! He was just trying to help her fulfill her dreams of being a scriptwriter.
oh no, the Evil Troll strikes again. well, it's better than being fish food. We knows that GK will get out of this pre-dic-a-ment.
I fink it's sharks! I heard they're the nastiest fishies out there. Poor Giggy!
No No NO -- now we are worried. We always thought GK could get out of anything. This we're not too sure about ...
Oh no Giggy! I'll come rescue you.
I'm all a quiver.... also you was tagged GK. -DK
why is it always the woman's fault?
Pixel, Pica and Coby wait in breathless anticipation.
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