Monday, April 17, 2006

On Temporary Hiatus!

The Most Glorious GigoloKitty must bid all his devout and adoring public a temporary adieu. He has been forced by the meanness of the Most Evil!Troll to retire into a Most Exclusive Retreat to nurse his most adorable Poutiness. Troll states that there has been a computer lockdown due to the mysterious deletion of 3 months worth of work on a nefarious project which is due by mid-May. She has heaped all sorts of accusations upon the most blameless and virtuous GK. But, not to worry, the Beauteous GigoloKitty will return vindicated of his innocence on May 17.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

*The Gigolo Kitty wishes everyone a very Happy Easter!*

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Me Mary Poppins!

(Note: Please click on image for better view.)
*Sung to the tune of "It's a jolly holiday with Mary" from Mary Poppins.

Remember to drop by Friday Ark for more kitties. This week, the Carnival of Cats will be over at KT Cat. Kiri the Gorgeous will be presiding over Weekend Cat Blogging over at Clare's Eats!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hamlet! #8 (The End!)

(Note: please click on image for better view.)
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